Fire and Rain: It’s here!

My new serial fiction Fire and Rain begins today.  Episodes will be posted twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays until the story is complete.  Stop by if you get a chance and please drop me a line to let me know what you think!

Fine glass is forged through the careful application of extreme temperatures.  Silica and lime are ground to powder, then exposed to extreme heat.  Next, it is taken through a gradual cooling process when finally, the glass is molded into the shape of the creator’s choosing.

Relationships, like glass are forged through fire and require constant supervision.  And like glass, become fragile if not handled with care.

The Nolans are standing at the crossroads in this story of loss and redemption. Keith, an acclaimed author and musician and Vivien, his emotionally devastated wife, wade through the fire and rain of betrayal, infidelity and a tragic loss.  The bonds of their marriage are tested by Keith’s affairs and Vivien’s depression.  Things reach a breaking point when Vivien embarks on an affair of her own.

C'mon! I know you got something to say . . .